You'll LOVE My Massage Therapist!

No. No, you won’t.

Chances are that someone you know will recommend you to see their massage therapist because they found someone awesome! (Like me!)

But, the thing is, every massage therapist has their own style of massaging. Think about it. We all go to different schools, eventually end up taking varying continuing education classes. That helps develop our personal style and that’s a reason why we differ.

Some of us work with clients that are in pain and require a therapeutic massage. Others work in spas, where the sessions are geared more towards relaxation.

There are therapists that work in the very tough field of hospice and I consider them angels. It is something I have considered and may do so instead of retiring.

Some massage therapists enjoy working in the sports field and working with athletes. I have not worked with athletes, but I have had some famous clients. I was invited twice to work with musicians and had fun. I saw the backstage of both Key Arena and Angel of the Winds Arena. I was also invited to enjoy the concerts. Great memories!

All of the above require different types of massages and skills. Remember that the next time you go and enjoy your next massage.

Please feel free to share some of your experiences. I would love to hear from you.