You Got Some Hot Stones For Me?

Yup, we are in the thick of the lovely winter season. If you are not living in the lower parts of our nation (except for you Texas), then you are enjoying this cold weather. Can’t believe it has snowed in Texas and the Florida panhandle this year!

Are you busy trying to figure out what to wear? How much layering to keep warm enough to brave the outdoors, yet have the option of removing some clothes so you’re not dripping sweat while you’re indoors? Such is our current dilemma.

If you are headed for a massage, whether because pain or for pleasure, ask your therapist if a Hot Stone massage is appropriate for you. Talk about feeling pampered!

In my humble opinion, hot stone massages are the best type of massage you can receive all year round, but especially during the winter. Oh boy, does that feel ooooohhh soooo gooood!

If the therapist does their job correctly, your body will feel deliciously warm and relaxed. Most of my clients actually fall asleep during the massage. I absolutely love that my clients have put so much trust in me that they feel comfortable falling asleep during the massage. From personal experience, I have done some major drooling and snoring in certain massage offices that shall not be named.

As the therapist performing the massage, you feel a significant difference in the client’s body, if the muscles are relaxing from the hot stones. It has been my experience that muscles become more pliable and easy to work with when you apply heat. I have worked with clients that have been involved in accidents that have caused trauma in their bodies. The client and I can feel a significant difference after applying heat. I personally love seeing results!

So, when you head out for your massage, think about the following: Do I Stone or Not Stone? That is the question. Also, try them during the summer. You never know until you try. Sorta like those carrots you were forced to eat when you were a kid. No, it’s better.

Let me know what you think in the comments. What’s your favorite thing about a hot stone massage?